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Man Peruvian political (Lima 1949). Educated at the university of Lima, Madrid and Paris, to return to his homeland was elected to the Constituent Assembly (1978) and subsequently to Parliament (1980-85). Member of the Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (APRA), he became Secretary in 1982 and in presidential elections in 1985 won with a wide margin, assuming the guide of the Country on 28 July. Revealed, during its mandate, not to the height for the resolution of the problems of Peru and alienatosi the favor of the population, of the left and the trade unions with the adoption of stringent measures, in order to achieve a policy of national planning, in the presidential elections of 1990, García could not overcome the first round and to go to the ballot. In 1992, following the accusations of corruption mossegli from President Fujimori, withdrew the country to return to it ca. Ten years later as a candidate in the presidential elections of 2001, won by his opponent Alejandro Toledo. In 2006 won the presidential elections, after the ballot with Ollanta Humala.

General description

(IMF or IMF). Intergovernmental organization linked to the United Nations as a "specialized institute" consisting in Washington (where he still seat) on 27 December 1945, due to the Bretton Woods Conference of July 1944, in order to promote international cooperation in the field of monetary policy and the balanced development of world trade, ensuring the stability of exchange rates and attenuating the imbalances international payments. There adhere 184 countries. The tasks of the International Monetary Fund are directly in relation with its purposes. The International Monetary Fund , for example, can sell to the Member States, whose balances of payments are in temporary imbalance, currencies of other member countries behind the sale of national currency. The buyer country of foreign currencies must provide to their return within a short period and in relation to the development of its availability in gold and currency. From 1945 to 1971 the International Monetary Fund has chaired, furthermore, the control on the currency parity of member countries. Following the suspension of the convertibility of the dollar in gold, Member States have acquired the freedom to choose their exchange regime. At the end of the Nineties, between the aims of the International Monetary Fund has been established the objectives of strengthening the global financial architecture, to stimulate a better response capacity of the world economy to shocks of the markets and to increase the efficiency of the organizations of States and international institutions. In this perspective, the International Monetary Fund has focused its attention on the individual States to comply with the international standards of behavior in the conduct of the economic activities, financial and commercial. The international organization has also moved in the direction of enhancing the overall stability of the financial systems: together with other international organizations, including the World Bank and the authorities of the financial supervision, has promoted the development of a series of basic principles on which the financial system should be guided. The International Monetary Fund , prevalentemete concerned to macroeconomic policy and financial assistance of the Member States, carried out in this sense a complementary role with respect to the World Bank, which is responsible for ensuring that the conditions required for a long term development and the fight against poverty. Were also intensified efforts to prevent the onset of the crisis through the exchange of information between the Member States and the creditors.

Member countries Each Member State shall pay to the International Monetary Fund a share, in general for the 25% in SDRS (special drawing rights) or foreign currencies, the rest in the national currency; payments more are those of the United States and Great Britain. The growing need for international means of payment to meet the development of transactions has, however, determined by the International Monetary Fund the necessity to obtain other resources by increasing, for example, quotas or favoring loan agreements mutual among the Member Countries, as concluded between the countries of the Club of Ten, or Paris, that with the general arrangements to borrow, signed in 1962, undertook to make available to the International Monetary Fund a certain amount of national currency to lend to the other signatories of the agreement (GAB=General Arrangements to Borrow) or giving life to special forms of credit, between which the DSP, whose value is determined by the weighted average of four currencies: US Dollar USA, euro, yen, pound sterling. Financing Instruments The fund grants loans to Member Countries that incur in the balance of payments deficit particularly heavy and in order to restore the conditions necessary for long-term growth. These loans are conditioned to the pursuit of a macroeconomic policy and financial assistance agreed with the country and are granted on a temporary basis for a period between 6 months and 4 years. Among the instruments for financing the fund include: Stand-by arrangement (SBA) to cope, thanks to loans of 12-18 months, to temporary balance of payments difficulties; the Extended Fund Facility (EFF), delivered in the form of a loan for a period of 3 years, to countries burdened by economic problems structural affecting negatively in the balance of payments and the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF), financing mechanism designed for the poorest countries, with an interest rate particularly content; the Supplemental Reserve Facility (SRF), which provides funds of short duration to cope with sudden severe impairment of the balance of payments due to a loss of confidence in the market and a significant outflows of capital; the Contingent Credit Line (CCL) directed to member countries which, although providing solid economic policies, require funds to prevent sudden crisis; the compensatory financing facility (CFF) to assist the members who are faced with a not planned reduction of exports or an increase in the value of imports caused by fluctuations in world prices; The Emergence assistance, financial instrument donated in the case of natural disasters sudden. The repayment period is 3-5 years for short-term loans (facility) and 4-10 years for those of medium term. Components Members of the International Monetary Fund are the Board of Governors consists of a governor and a Lieutenant Governor for each Member State; the Board of Directors, to which the first has delegated powers and that it is composed of 24 members, five of which designated by the Member States with the highest financial participation in the International Monetary Fund (in order, USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Russian Federation, China) and the other by the remaining members; the Director General who is appointed for 5 years by the Board of Directors (renewable once) and presides over it, supervises the bureaucratic structure of the Fund. The deliberations of the governing organs are taken by a majority vote; the individual Member State has 250 votes plus a number of votes calculated on the basis of its share of participation in the International Monetary Fund ; THE RESPECTIVE SHARES also provide the criterion of imposition of the maximum of foreign currencies in which the individual member can buy from the bottom. In addition to the quotas, to GAB and DSP to the principal means available to the International Monetary Fund is the Trust Fund (Trust Fund), established in 1976 to help the developing countries. Fujimori, Alberto Kenya Politician Peruvian Japanese origin (Lima 1938). Son of Japanese emigrants in Peru, Fujimori laureava is in agricultural engineering and moved in the USA, followed a in mathematics at the University of Wisconsin. He returned to Peru, he devoted himself to the university career. In 1989, gave life to a party, baptized the gearbox 90, with which it had political elections and achieved the victory. Fujimori initiated a series of reforms aimed at imposing economic models based on liberalism and therefore capable of conveying on Peru the interest of foreign investors. Fujimori adopted then drastic measures to fight the guerrillas of Sendero Luminoso: suspended the constitution and raised by each government post, all those who were suspected of collusion and provided weapons to farmers so that they could defend themselves. In 1992, Mr Fujimori refused an american funding of 36 million dollars with which to combat the cultivation of narcotics, wishing to offer farmers systems equally profitable exploitation of the earth. The improvement of the national economy and the capture (September 1992), the leader of the Sendero Luminoso contributed in 1995 to the re-election of President Fujimori which however has been accused of not having engaged in violations of human rights committed by the armed forces, accusations apparently confirmed both by the sentencing to death without the possibility of defense of a U.S. citizen, accused of having supported the fight of the movement Tupac Amaru, in 1996, both by the dramatic conclusion, on 22 April 1997, of the occupation of the Japanese embassy, began in December on the part of the guerrillas Tupac Amaru. In October 1998 Mr Fujimori siglava a new peace with Ecuador for the areas of border disputes along the Cordillera del Condor. In 2000 riconfermatogli, for the third time the mandate in a climate of suspicion electoral fraud, Fujimori, after stopping for corruption of his right arm, the head of the secret service, fled in Japan resigning. In 2005 he left Japan Chile, where he was arrested. In 2007 Chile granted the extradition and was repatriated in Peru. In 2009 was sentenced to 25 years of prison for crimes against humanity and other seven and a half years for corruption. Toledo Manrique, Alejandro Man Peruvian political (Cabana, Ancash, 1946). Of humble family of origin India, thanks to a scholarship laureava is in the United States economy, becoming then International Councillor of the UN and the World Bank. Founded the democratic movement of Peru posible in 1995 was presented for the first time as a candidate in the presidential elections. Always more decided to launch a process of democratisation of Peru after ca. Ten years of the Fujimori regime in 2000, Toledo is presented again in the presidential elections, but despite the candidate favored, because of electoral fraud, withdrew from the electoral challenge. Fallen Fujimori, in June 2001 was elected head of state. Its initial popularity is then eroded by the economic restrictions that has had to impose, and after having granted the privatisation of two electricity companies (June 2002) disputes have been such as to force him to proclaim a state of emergency. Subsequently however has signed an agreement with the trade unions, political parties and the clergy for the observance of the rules of democracy and the rule of law. The turbulence social and political problems have forced Toledo, in 2004, to carry out the fifth reshuffle in its team of government. General Information The Asian Population, probably originating in the north-east of today Mongolia, whose history is an integral part of that of the steppes of Central Asia, characterized by a peculiar type of civilisation that has in the pastoral nomadism its foundation. Connected with this economic activity is the mobility of peoples of the steppes, which has repeatedly given rise, for the combination of multiple factors to true and proper trasmigrazioni. It follows that the region they inhabited has, in the course of its history, a ethnic configuration is very unstable. Anthropology and Ethnology Name given to a collection of populations of language and related costumes, anthropologically like, originally allocated in a vast area of Siberia center-west. Pastors and nomadic hunters, were organized in large families patrilocali (AUL) in which, however, women enjoyed significant privileges so as to be able to become members of the principles (Khan) or keep the regency for minor children. The clan gifts, with distinct characters military, had a relative supremacy on the tribe of belonging, who had the right to exploit a determined territory (hoshun); among the tribes there existed a rigid structure in social classes (noble, soldiers, pastors free, servants, slaves); those linked by bonds parentelari of ancient date constitute homogeneous units (aimak) that, in case of war, nominavano a supreme leader chosen among the most valiant khan tribal . typical of the Mongol culture "historical" is the breeding, in the wild, horses, camels and sheep, governed by means of long poles ending with a leather lace (urga). Hides and skins and wool are used for the large tents cylindrical with conical roof (yurt) coated with felt or clothing, similar to the man and the woman, consisting of a long coat stopped by a typical belt for each clan and branches; remarkable production of rugs and carpets. Originally Animists, had great account of shamans (beki); only starting from the VI century began to convert to Buddhism while Islam and Christianity were never (except for the western Mongols) large following. Very rich heritage of myths, legends, poems and songs that already from the XII century it was handed down in written form; imaginative their festivals claniche tribal and now form part of the local folklore. Source of very old, as demonstrated by archaeological findings (protomongolo of Baikal, of Jenisej, Lena and the Ob) dating back to the III millennium B.C.. C., the Mongols have anthropological characters general tunguso type; their height not infrequently better than average and the somatic morphology with lengths less marked indicate a probable hybridization with the paleosiberiano type. From the original seats moved slowly toward the south and west, following the changed environmental conditions Climatic-the end glaciation; already at the beginning of the millennium. C. entered in contact with the Turkish people and with the Chinese, that designarono them with the nickname "barbarians kun" and from which learned agriculture; West clashed with the Turkish populations (which gave them the name of Tatari). The attempts of invasion of China by various aimak Mongols (past to history with various names: Hsien-yun, Yueh-chih, Hsiung-nu, Wu-Huan, Hsien-pei and others), that sometimes ephemeral created empires, failed not only to the vigorous resistance of the Chinese but also for the continuous infighting which produced inter alia multiple migrations toward the west, where the Mongols merged with the local populations giving origin to the ethnic groups of the Turkish Mongols. You were so as to form two groupings of the tribes: west the Calmucchi, with the related peoples and turcizzate, and east of the Altaj tribes more pure (Buriani, Khalkha, Torguti, Tanguti, Olöd, Ordos, Dorböt, Corös, Qoset, Mongwu, the most important). From the princely clan of Mongwu or Mogul, from which derives the name of the Mongols with which became known in Europe, was born ?emujin which managed to unify all the Aimak Mongols and assumed the title of Cingiz Qan or Genghis Khan sovereign (universal). Today, the name of the Mongols is given only to the inhabitants of Mongolia, which have largely taken chinese costumes, even if in the steppe live small groups still tied to the traditional life. History: the achievements of Gensis Khan The Mongols real make their first appearance in the history with Genghis Khan ?emujin that, officially the title of Genghis Khan ("universal sovereign") in 1206 during a meeting of the noble Mongols (said quriltai), managed to give unity to the fluid nomadic world who lived the steppes of Mongolia, imposing its authority both to the clans of the Mongols rivals to both Kereit and Naiman. To him we owe the creation of jasaq, a set of requirements which should regulate the behavior of all the subjects, in accordance to the aristocratic structure of society. With a military machine of rare effectiveness, which combined the traditional mobility of nomadic cavalry to a rigid discipline, the Mongols apprestarono you then to attack the great civilization sedentary outside the zone of the steppes . The main goal was made without doubt from the riches of China, which was then divided into two states, Northern under the foreign domain of Jurcin and southern side of sung. After the intake of Beijing (1215), however, a number of factors including the difficulties that still the Mongols met in the sieges of fortified cities and the need to cover their shoulders before engaging in the conquest of a country so vast, drove Genghis Khan to momentarily leave the northern China to turn toward the West. In a few years the army Mongolian it pushed up to the Caucasus, after having crossed the whole Central Asia and demolished the Muslim kingdom of Khwarizm, which included the Transoxiana, Corasmia and most of Persia and Afghanistan. Any resistance was shattered by the systematic use of the massacre and looting intimidating object that characterizes the whole of this phase of the Mongolian expansion. Back in Mongolia, Genghis Khan is prepared to attack the United tanguto of Hsi Hsia, in the current Chinese province of Gansu, and it was during this campaign that he died on 18 August 1227. The work of conquest undertaken by Genghis Khan was continued by his successors. Under the terzogenito Ögödei were subject the whole northern China (1234) and Korea (1236), and the troops of Batu, nephew of Genghis Khan invaded Russia, Poland and Hungary (1236-41). In 1243, regent the widow of Ögödei, was subdued the Kingdom Seljuk State of Asia Minor; during the reign of Möngka (1251-59) was destroyed the abbaside caliphate and began the conquest of the Chinese Empire of the Sung, conquest which was brought to completion by Qubilai, brother of Möngka, only in 1276. Man Peruvian political (Lima 1949). Educated at the university of Lima, Madrid and Paris, to return to his homeland was elected to the Constituent Assembly (1978) and subsequently to Parliament (1980-85). Member of the Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (APRA), he became Secretary in 1982 and in presidential elections in 1985 won with a wide margin, assuming the guide of the Country on 28 July. Revealed, during its mandate, not to the height for the resolution of the problems of Peru and alienatosi the favor of the population, of the left and the trade unions with the adoption of stringent measures, in order to achieve a policy of national planning, in the presidential elections of 1990, García could not overcome the first round and to go to the ballot. In 1992, following the accusations of corruption mossegli from President Fujimori, withdrew the country to return to it ca. Ten years later as a candidate in the presidential elections of 2001, won by his opponent Alejandro Toledo. In 2006 won the presidential elections, after the ballot with Ollanta Humala. General description (IMF or IMF). Intergovernmental organization linked to the United Nations as a "specialized institute" consisting in Washington (where he still seat) on 27 December 1945, due to the Bretton Woods Conference of July 1944, in order to promote international cooperation in the field of monetary policy and the balanced development of world trade, ensuring the stability of exchange rates and attenuating the imbalances international payments. There adhere 184 countries. The tasks of the International Monetary Fund are directly in relation with its purposes. The International Monetary Fund , for example, can sell to the Member States, whose balances of payments are in temporary imbalance, currencies of other member countries behind the sale of national currency. The buyer country of foreign currencies must provide to their return within a short period and in relation to the development of its availability in gold and currency. From 1945 to 1971 the International Monetary Fund has chaired, furthermore, the control on the currency parity of member countries. Following the suspension of the convertibility of the dollar in gold, Member States have acquired the freedom to choose their exchange regime. At the end of the Nineties, between the aims of the International Monetary Fund has been established the objectives of strengthening the global financial architecture, to stimulate a better response capacity of the world economy to shocks of the markets and to increase the efficiency of the organizations of States and international institutions. In this perspective, the International Monetary Fund has focused its attention on the individual States to comply with the international standards of behavior in the conduct of the economic activities, financial and commercial. The international organization has also moved in the direction of enhancing the overall stability of the financial systems: together with other international organizations, including the World Bank and the authorities of the financial supervision, has promoted the development of a series of basic principles on which the financial system should be guided. The International Monetary Fund , prevalentemete concerned to macroeconomic policy and financial assistance of the Member States, carried out in this sense a complementary role with respect to the World Bank, which is responsible for ensuring that the conditions required for a long term development and the fight against poverty. Were also intensified efforts to prevent the onset of the crisis through the exchange of information between the Member States and the creditors. Member countries Each Member State shall pay to the International Monetary Fund a share, in general for the 25% in SDRS (special drawing rights) or foreign currencies, the rest in the national currency; payments more are those of the United States and Great Britain. The growing need for international means of payment to meet the development of transactions has, however, determined by the International Monetary Fund the necessity to obtain other resources by increasing, for example, quotas or favoring loan agreements mutual among the Member Countries, as concluded between the countries of the Club of Ten, or Paris, that with the general arrangements to borrow, signed in 1962, undertook to make available to the International Monetary Fund a certain amount of national currency to lend to the other signatories of the agreement (GAB=General Arrangements to Borrow) or giving life to special forms of credit, between which the DSP, whose value is determined by the weighted average of four currencies: US Dollar USA, euro, yen, pound sterling. Financing Instruments The fund grants loans to Member Countries that incur in the balance of payments deficit particularly heavy and in order to restore the conditions necessary for long-term growth. These loans are conditioned to the pursuit of a macroeconomic policy and financial assistance agreed with the country and are granted on a temporary basis for a period between 6 months and 4 years. Among the instruments for financing the fund include: Stand-by arrangement (SBA) to cope, thanks to loans of 12-18 months, to temporary balance of payments difficulties; the Extended Fund Facility (EFF), delivered in the form of a loan for a period of 3 years, to countries burdened by economic problems structural affecting negatively in the balance of payments and the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF), financing mechanism designed for the poorest countries, with an interest rate particularly content; the Supplemental Reserve Facility (SRF), which provides funds of short duration to cope with sudden severe impairment of the balance of payments due to a loss of confidence in the market and a significant outflows of capital; the Contingent Credit Line (CCL) directed to member countries which, although providing solid economic policies, require funds to prevent sudden crisis; the compensatory financing facility (CFF) to assist the members who are faced with a not planned reduction of exports or an increase in the value of imports caused by fluctuations in world prices; The Emergence assistance, financial instrument donated in the case of natural disasters sudden. The repayment period is 3-5 years for short-term loans (facility) and 4-10 years for those of medium term. Components Members of the International Monetary Fund are the Board of Governors consists of a governor and a Lieutenant Governor for each Member State; the Board of Directors, to which the first has delegated powers and that it is composed of 24 members, five of which designated by the Member States with the highest financial participation in the International Monetary Fund (in order, USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Russian Federation, China) and the other by the remaining members; the Director General who is appointed for 5 years by the Board of Directors (renewable once) and presides over it, supervises the bureaucratic structure of the Fund. The deliberations of the governing organs are taken by a majority vote; the individual Member State has 250 votes plus a number of votes calculated on the basis of its share of participation in the International Monetary Fund ; THE RESPECTIVE SHARES also provide the criterion of imposition of the maximum of foreign currencies in which the individual member can buy from the bottom. In addition to the quotas, to GAB and DSP to the principal means available to the International Monetary Fund is the Trust Fund (Trust Fund), established in 1976 to help the developing countries. Fujimori, Alberto Kenya Politician Peruvian Japanese origin (Lima 1938). Son of Japanese emigrants in Peru, Fujimori laureava is in agricultural engineering and moved in the USA, followed a in mathematics at the University of Wisconsin. He returned to Peru, he devoted himself to the university career. In 1989, gave life to a party, baptized the gearbox 90, with which it had political elections and achieved the victory. Fujimori initiated a series of reforms aimed at imposing economic models based on liberalism and therefore capable of conveying on Peru the interest of foreign investors. Fujimori adopted then drastic measures to fight the guerrillas of Sendero Luminoso: suspended the constitution and raised by each government post, all those who were suspected of collusion and provided weapons to farmers so that they could defend themselves. In 1992, Mr Fujimori refused an american funding of 36 million dollars with which to combat the cultivation of narcotics, wishing to offer farmers systems equally profitable exploitation of the earth. The improvement of the national economy and the capture (September 1992), the leader of the Sendero Luminoso contributed in 1995 to the re-election of President Fujimori which however has been accused of not having engaged in violations of human rights committed by the armed forces, accusations apparently confirmed both by the sentencing to death without the possibility of defense of a U.S. citizen, accused of having supported the fight of the movement Tupac Amaru, in 1996, both by the dramatic conclusion, on 22 April 1997, of the occupation of the Japanese embassy, began in December on the part of the guerrillas Tupac Amaru. In October 1998 Mr Fujimori siglava a new peace with Ecuador for the areas of border disputes along the Cordillera del Condor. In 2000 riconfermatogli, for the third time the mandate in a climate of suspicion electoral fraud, Fujimori, after stopping for corruption of his right arm, the head of the secret service, fled in Japan resigning. In 2005 he left Japan Chile, where he was arrested. In 2007 Chile granted the extradition and was repatriated in Peru. In 2009 was sentenced to 25 years of prison for crimes against humanity and other seven and a half years for corruption. Toledo Manrique, Alejandro Man Peruvian political (Cabana, Ancash, 1946). Of humble family of origin India, thanks to a scholarship laureava is in the United States economy, becoming then International Councillor of the UN and the World Bank. Founded the democratic movement of Peru posible in 1995 was presented for the first time as a candidate in the presidential elections. Always more decided to launch a process of democratisation of Peru after ca. Ten years of the Fujimori regime in 2000, Toledo is presented again in the presidential elections, but despite the candidate favored, because of electoral fraud, withdrew from the electoral challenge. Fallen Fujimori, in June 2001 was elected head of state. Its initial popularity is then eroded by the economic restrictions that has had to impose, and after having granted the privatisation of two electricity companies (June 2002) disputes have been such as to force him to proclaim a state of emergency. Subsequently however has signed an agreement with the trade unions, political parties and the clergy for the observance of the rules of democracy and the rule of law. The turbulence social and political problems have forced Toledo, in 2004, to carry out the fifth reshuffle in its team of government. General Information The Asian Population, probably originating in the north-east of today Mongolia, whose history is an integral part of that of the steppes of Central Asia, characterized by a peculiar type of civilisation that has in the pastoral nomadism its foundation. Connected with this economic activity is the mobility of peoples of the steppes, which has repeatedly given rise, for the combination of multiple factors to true and proper trasmigrazioni. It follows that the region they inhabited has, in the course of its history, a ethnic configuration is very unstable. Anthropology and Ethnology Name given to a collection of populations of language and related costumes, anthropologically like, originally allocated in a vast area of Siberia center-west. Pastors and nomadic hunters, were organized in large families patrilocali (AUL) in which, however, women enjoyed significant privileges so as to be able to become members of the principles (Khan) or keep the regency for minor children. The clan gifts, with distinct characters military, had a relative supremacy on the tribe of belonging, who had the right to exploit a determined territory (hoshun); among the tribes there existed a rigid structure in social classes (noble, soldiers, pastors free, servants, slaves); those linked by bonds parentelari of ancient date constitute homogeneous units (aimak) that, in case of war, nominavano a supreme leader chosen among the most valiant khan tribal . typical of the Mongol culture "historical" is the breeding, in the wild, horses, camels and sheep, governed by means of long poles ending with a leather lace (urga). Hides and skins and wool are used for the large tents cylindrical with conical roof (yurt) coated with felt or clothing, similar to the man and the woman, consisting of a long coat stopped by a typical belt for each clan and branches; remarkable production of rugs and carpets. Originally Animists, had great account of shamans (beki); only starting from the VI century began to convert to Buddhism while Islam and Christianity were never (except for the western Mongols) large following. Very rich heritage of myths, legends, poems and songs that already from the XII century it was handed down in written form; imaginative their festivals claniche tribal and now form part of the local folklore. Source of very old, as demonstrated by archaeological findings (protomongolo of Baikal, of Jenisej, Lena and the Ob) dating back to the III millennium B.C.. C., the Mongols have anthropological characters general tunguso type; their height not infrequently better than average and the somatic morphology with lengths less marked indicate a probable hybridization with the paleosiberiano type. From the original seats moved slowly toward the south and west, following the changed environmental conditions Climatic-the end glaciation; already at the beginning of the millennium. C. entered in contact with the Turkish people and with the Chinese, that designarono them with the nickname "barbarians kun" and from which learned agriculture; West clashed with the Turkish populations (which gave them the name of Tatari). The attempts of invasion of China by various aimak Mongols (past to history with various names: Hsien-yun, Yueh-chih, Hsiung-nu, Wu-Huan, Hsien-pei and others), that sometimes ephemeral created empires, failed not only to the vigorous resistance of the Chinese but also for the continuous infighting which produced inter alia multiple migrations toward the west, where the Mongols merged with the local populations giving origin to the ethnic groups of the Turkish Mongols. You were so as to form two groupings of the tribes: west the Calmucchi, with the related peoples and turcizzate, and east of the Altaj tribes more pure (Buriani, Khalkha, Torguti, Tanguti, Olöd, Ordos, Dorböt, Corös, Qoset, Mongwu, the most important). From the princely clan of Mongwu or Mogul, from which derives the name of the Mongols with which became known in Europe, was born ?emujin which managed to unify all the Aimak Mongols and assumed the title of Cingiz Qan or Genghis Khan sovereign (universal). Today, the name of the Mongols is given only to the inhabitants of Mongolia, which have largely taken chinese costumes, even if in the steppe live small groups still tied to the traditional life. History: the achievements of Gensis Khan The Mongols real make their first appearance in the history with Genghis Khan ?emujin that, officially the title of Genghis Khan ("universal sovereign") in 1206 during a meeting of the noble Mongols (said quriltai), managed to give unity to the fluid nomadic world who lived the steppes of Mongolia, imposing its authority both to the clans of the Mongols rivals to both Kereit and Naiman. To him we owe the creation of jasaq, a set of requirements which should regulate the behavior of all the subjects, in accordance to the aristocratic structure of society. With a military machine of rare effectiveness, which combined the traditional mobility of nomadic cavalry to a rigid discipline, the Mongols apprestarono you then to attack the great civilization sedentary outside the zone of the steppes . The main goal was made without doubt from the riches of China, which was then divided into two states, Northern under the foreign domain of Jurcin and southern side of sung. After the intake of Beijing (1215), however, a number of factors including the difficulties that still the Mongols met in the sieges of fortified cities and the need to cover their shoulders before engaging in the conquest of a country so vast, drove Genghis Khan to momentarily leave the northern China to turn toward the West. In a few years the army Mongolian it pushed up to the Caucasus, after having crossed the whole Central Asia and demolished the Muslim kingdom of Khwarizm, which included the Transoxiana, Corasmia and most of Persia and Afghanistan. Any resistance was shattered by the systematic use of the massacre and looting intimidating object that characterizes the whole of this phase of the Mongolian expansion. Back in Mongolia, Genghis Khan is prepared to attack the United tanguto of Hsi Hsia, in the current Chinese province of Gansu, and it was during this campaign that he died on 18 August 1227. The work of conquest undertaken by Genghis Khan was continued by his successors. Under the terzogenito Ögödei were subject the whole northern China (1234) and Korea (1236), and the troops of Batu, nephew of Genghis Khan invaded Russia, Poland and Hungary (1236-41). In 1243, regent the widow of Ögödei, was subdued the Kingdom Seljuk State of Asia Minor; during the reign of Möngka (1251-59) was destroyed the abbaside caliphate and began the conquest of the Chinese Empire of the Sung, conquest which was brought to completion by Qubilai, brother of Möngka, only in 1276.